Changing Name Servers  Prindi artikkel

Below you will find brief instructions on how to change/update your domain name servers. In order for your domain ( to work with our Purple Turtle Pro web hosting services, you will be required to change/update your current name servers to Purple Turtle's name servers.

Step 1. Find the name servers

You can find our name servers through "Your new server setup information..." email.
Name servers will be something like this: 

Replace ## with those found in the email.

Step 2. Changing name servers

Most domain registrars have a tool so you can do this yourself. Otherwise you must contact the place where you bought your domain and ask how to update the name servers. Then you will remove the current name servers and replace them with the name servers obtained from Step 1.

Generic steps (steps vary between registars):

  1. Log in to your registrar's website (ex:,, Tucows,, Network Solutions,GoDaddy, Bluehost,...)
  2. Click Manage Domains or Domain Management - to access some sort of DNS setting management tool
  3. Find an option to Manage Name Servers or Change Name Servers
    • You may first need to select your domain name ( 
  4. Enter the name servers found in Step 1 into separate fields, replacing any old entries.
  5. Save the changes
A tutorial for TuCows is found here:

Feel free to contact Support: support(at)purpleturtle(dot)pro or hop on our website to speak to Jason / Support


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